Feb 4, 2021Korean and Singaporean monies are all over Student Housing InvestmentsKorean and Singaporean institutions/companies are all over Student Housing Investments worldwide. The trend is no surprise to us as we...
Nov 25, 2020Andy shares his experience with EMBA classAndy spent last weekend with EMBA/DBA students/alumni in sharing his experience and wisdom in working with Family Offices, in the context...
Oct 15, 2020Real Assets can offer an income alternative to low bond yields.With the ultra low-interest rate for most OECD countries and the low rates would likely to stay for a long while, investors need to look...
Oct 9, 2020A vote of confidence in US Student HousingsQuadReal, the Real Estate Investment arm of British Columbia Investment Management Corp in Canada, acquires 50% holdings in CA Ventures,...
Jul 27, 2020Link makes its first major overseas acquisition in the UK during Covid-19. Link (00823:HK), the largest Asia REIT company based in Hong Kong, just announced the acqusition of The Cabot in Canary Wharf for...